Sapphire- the famous blue stone is also called the blue sister of Ruby. The reason?- its because they come from the same mineral,...Read more
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Sapphire- the famous blue stone is also called the blue sister of Ruby. The reason?- its because they come from the same mineral, corundum. After diamond, corundum is the second hardest gemstone with the red corundum being called Ruby, and the other colors being called Sapphires.
The most famous and the finest blue sapphires are the prized Kashmir Sapphires which have a Blue color that is not only intense, but also velvety. As the name suggests, it originated from India's north western region of Kashmir, along the Pakistani/Indian border in the western Himalayas. Sapphires and the Zodiac - Those born in September should wear sapphires for their birthstone; and according to the zodiac, it is the birthstone of the Taurus. Sapphires have always said to bring peace, joy and wisdom to their owner and wearer.
In fact, it was also considered a talisman offering protection from evil spirits and other unwanted creatures of the night Signs of well-placed Blue Sapphire person - Wisdom, integrity, discipline, spiritual achievement trough humility, patience, dedication and non-attachment, Long life, Govern leadership and perfection, highest human qualities. Feeling special?
Sultry, sophisticated and sleek. This piece of jewelry is every women's secret fantast. Bring her fantasies to life with this Sweet Sapphire Surprise. This Sweet Sapphire Surprise features a Sapphire set in a Silver Ring.
So go ahead, show your affection and remember, love never counts the cost and never delays in expression. BUY NOW!!
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