Moon Signs
The Moon represents the more impressionist side and the inner feelings and emotions portraying us from within. It indicates how we express our nurturing instinct and the style of immediate emotional-feeling response to experiences. With an altogether mysterious side, Moon shows our hidden aspects.
Your Moon sign represents the sign where planet Moon is located when you were born. The Moon goes through all the Zodiac within its 28 day cycle and enters a new zodiac sign approximately every 2 1/2 days. This is also called your birth "Rasi". Your birth Star is the star through which Moon is passing at the time of your birth. Your Moon sign and birth star represent your mind, psychology and emotional stability The position of the transiting moon (moon"s current position) helps determine the general moods of people. The moon sign positions greatly influence the outcomes of events involving human interactions. When the Moon is in certain zodiac, the characteristics of that zodiac sign color the moon"s expression
The moon rules over issues related to family and interaction among family members, social gatherings and general proceedings in the home environment. All the above incidents are greatly affected by moon"s sign position.
The moon sign, when taken in combination with the Sun sign, tells about a person and is an essential part of learning about yourself. The best way to find out about the moon sign is to visit an astrologer for a private reading.
Moon in Aries
The Moon in Aries is in a domicile (of Mars) that is not congruent to her nature. It has the keyword "desire". In this position, Aries have quick thinking, with a love of the instantaneous and get bored with minor practical details. Straight, with no hidden agenda, Aries have a warm heart spreading out to those who need comfort. The guiding forces of Aries are: persistence, aggressiveness, impulse, originality in thought and action, quick temper and impatience.
Aries are enterprising and in the long run, they must learn to control their impulses, for a combination of excessive confidence, tendency to overreach and insufficient forethought can lead to their downfall. These people are flirtatious, adventurous, intrigue-seeking and quest-oriented.
Moon in Taurus
The Moon in Taurus is a natural domicile with the key word "determination". People are emotionally very strong and form loyal bonds of friendship. They are known to test relationships to see if they stand up to a challenge. The chief characteristics are patience, stubbornness and great fixity of purpose. The Moon in Taurus is an intensely materialistic positioning for the Moon, inclining the natives to extreme obstinacy, self-will, tenacity of purpose and to love of ease and luxury and the consequent gratification of physical appetites.
The most sensuous placement for the Moon, when in Taurus, enhances the powers of memory retaining the impressions. They seldom change their minds and once they decide, they would stick to it come what may. Conventionality and conservatism are inherent in their nature. They are also lovers of good food. Women with the Moon in Taurus often attract men of settled mind and occupation. There will often be a strong romance in their love affairs. The natives incline to friendships of quality and can magnify their problems out of all proportion. They take up occupations that deal with real estate, property, art, design, jewelry and business.
Moon in Gemini
The moon in Gemini is considered to be weak and its key word is duality. Nervous, witty and changeable, Gemini"s thrive on communication and the cut and thrust of the social world. A changing lifestyle suits them with a preferred job in media, travel as well as sales.
The mind is practical, seeking and ambitious and craves recognition. Although the mind may be brilliant, it is generally superficial and emphasizes talent.
The Moon in Gemini is not a very favorable position. People with the Moon in Gemini may be acute in their mental processes, quick to receive impressions and forming judgments. People of both sexes with the Moon in Gemini are frivolous, light-headed, inconstant and somewhat shallow. Both sexes may chose their partners for their ability to entertain and interest them rather than for any substantive domestic purpose and both sexes may be flirtatious. The position is favorable for an investor, accountant, journalist, research worker, librarian or dancer.
Moon in Cancer
The Moon is in her own royalty in Cancer with the keyword solicitude. The Moon is really not as strongly or purposefully placed here as in Leo, Aquarius or Taurus. The native may be inhibited and frequently escape in the imaginary world. Sympathetic, kind and compassionate they are sensitive to others" feelings. The mind is very impressionable and meditative with an excellent memory. The native seldom seeks external stimulation. Fond of home and parents, he/she is quiet, placid, peaceful, gentle, affectionate, and romantic. The emotions rear up at every opportunity, whether love, fear, grief or joy. Sometimes, they may expect others to see and feel the world as they do, and nothing is worse than having their poor sensitive heart ignored and rejected by other less sensitive souls.
There may be cycles of amazing energy flow and activity and the mood has the capability to fluctuate through its full range within an hour. Although they can be giving and generous, there is usually a string attached. Women with the Moon in Cancer are said to make ideal spouses and mothers and are capable of occasional intrigue. Many of the natives may delay marriage, perhaps because they are late bloomers. They make excellent artists, musicians, and poets. The positioning is a difficult one, especially in a man.
Moon in Leo
When the Moon is in Leo, it is the natural domicile of the Sun and the key word is pride. People born with the Moon in Leo are almost fanatical about their freedom. They can be assertive and take advantage of opportunities. There is also the capacity for self-sacrifice. Their mentality is robust, strong, and decisive. A natural leader, people exude energy and drive. They are generous, encouraging, optimistic with a sense of style and are brilliant at creating a one act play to put everyone on their toes. You love excitement and action, and can be fabulously romantic, but you expect the works in return.
They may sacrifice everything in the cause of righteousness and justice, evolved types portraying great power of will and enormous determination. Leo strengthens the mentality and the positive forces of the mind. It is said that Leo and Aquarius are two of the best positions for the Moon, Taurus and Cancer next. Usually conservative and discriminating, they possess a deep and consistent love nature, and once their love is aroused, they will respond with unstinted measure. These natives have an innate ability to make others dependent on them. They cannot be convinced against their will, nor be swayed against their emotions. The Moon in Leo also strengthens the influence of the Sun especially in Aries and Sagittarius; also when Cancer is rising and the Moon falls in 1st or 2nd house. It cannot be dominated even by their loved ones. Lunar Leo is not the rough-and-ready sort that an Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn, or Aquarius lunar can be. For a woman this positioning may be a little less desirable, for being strong-minded and determined, she may choose a weak male whom she can dominate at will.
Moon in Virgo
The Moon in Virgo is mind unimpeded by passion and flesh with the key word criticism. With this lunar position, there is no indecision or confusion of the mind. These people are sociable, logical, clear headed and always seem to be busy arranging the next big event. Although they work well behind the scenes, unlike the Leo Moons, sometimes have a strong social conscience and question the status quo, not accepting things at their face value. Since the sign is ruled by Mercury, so communication is vital, particularly if it involves facts and information rather than dreamy philosophies. These people have a strong personal code of conduct and set high standards, regarding loyalties towards friends and loved ones. It is difficult to be around them, let alone to live with them: they are, among others, the Back-Seat Drivers of the zodiac.
The Moon in Virgo may influence her native even stronger than the Sun in Virgo. These persons are fussy and entertain strong prejudices about everything. They are also the hypochondriacs of the zodiac. The Moon in Virgo bespeaks a kindly, humane disposition, domesticity, melancholia, and superficiality in matters of the heart. The truly evolved ones live largely to serve humanity without much thought of self. The women among them frequently take nursing, dietetics, teaching, and secretarial work as careers. Both sexes are self-contained and talented in a uni- directional way in something. Women with this lunar position are considered to be cold blooded and overly ambitious. Occupations in accounting, bookkeeping, banking, or as literary critics, librarians, inventors, real estate operations, chemists, and druggists are ideal for them.
Moon in Libra
The Moon in Libra is considered as one of the best positions in the zodiac having the key word decision. The Moon in Libra accentuates turning points in destiny: decisions which have to be balanced in relation to acts and ultimate destiny. The Moon in Libra enhances the aesthetic perception, the beautiful and harmonious in art and in life. These people are charming and creative and their diplomacy skills are beyond question. They love to initiate new projects but can get bored when the first excitement wears off and cast around for the next thing to be involved in.
The Libra Moon cannot be said to confer any notable character or backbone. Instead, it manifests in terms of grandiose schemes and magnificent ideas which have a tendency to expire still-born. While both sexes may be romantically amorous, they are notoriously fickle and wavering in romance. Women with this placement are more idealistic than domestic. Both sexes are generally popular socially and make friends easily. Although they are financially motivated, they can be reckless, careless, and/or squandering. People with strong Libra presence in their charts are said to be frequently the cause of their own troubles.
Moon in Scorpio
The Moon in Scorpio has the key word Ulterior Motivation. With the Moon in Scorpio, depth, passion and intensity imbue the relationships of people. They know no fear when it comes to choosing who is in their life. With a strong moral conscience, the strong intuition and psychic abilities of the natives allow to see below the surface. The extremism of Scorpio also manifests in this dimension. They are intelligent with a cold and calculating mentality and motivated by spiritual considerations. A native here must have similar thoughts frequently, for they are likely to endure fully the temptations and tribulations of life.
These people are strong and forceful. These persons can become superb occultists and astrologers and are sensual, emotional, materialistic and secretive. Their mind is very acute, and being a fixed sign, they are not taken off their chosen course of action. The Moon in Scorpio is said to be better for men than for women. In either case, marital infidelity and generally a messy emotional life is very likely. They remain deep and mysterious throughout life. The position is favorable for jobs in medicine, surgery, chemistry and investigative work.
Moon in Sagittarius
The lunar position for Sagittarius is risk-taking with the key word enthusiasm in the domain of Jupiter. The natives are conscious of their bodies and strive to perfect it. To them mind and spirit is seemingly connected to the body. They love independence and do not like to be trapped either physically, intellectually or emotionally. Adaptable, they attract many friends with their gregarious nature. They are not necessarily materialistic and experience counts more than the acquisition of objects. They firmly believe in justice and fair play and help out anyone who is in need. All natives with this placement are eternal students with an urge to higher education.
Sagittarius is the sign of astrology and prophecy and posses inexhaustible energy. They are actively philosophical both physically and mentally. They posses a brilliant mind, the intuitive faculties are keen and their judgments poised. With a dynamic temperament, they are impulsive, magnetic and forceful. They are often blunt and outspoken and think that their sincerity gives them every right to be blunt. They hate anything hidden or secret and their temper is such that they can blow a fuse over trifles and incidental details. Patience may be the most difficult quality for this native to master. They are the natural linguists of the zodiac. The Sagittarian breadth of vision is remarkable. The women attracted to them may be the higher type: refined, somewhat ethereal, yet passionate within.
Moon in Capricorn
Moon in Capricorn is one of the least desirable positions. Key word is Management. The chief characteristics are lack of sympathy, innate selfishness and self-preoccupation. The natives have an earthy practicality, giving dependence and a sense of responsibility towards those around them. These people could be loyal and unswerving when eventually give their heart to someone else, and would stick around when others have given up. They have dignity and tenacity and a realistic vision of the world as it really is, not as others expect it to be. Sun-in-Virgo-Moon-in-Capricorn is said to be the most practical of all Soli-Lunar combinations.
The natives display reverence and concentration of mind. The mind of the native is generally very keen, acute, active, far-seeing, and given to plotting and scheming. With a rapid mental response, they are all-comprehensive and somewhat antagonistic. Moon in Capricorn foreshadows defeated ambitions and dreams, misfortunes at the hands of women, occupational and financial troubles, credit difficulties and all sorts of other misfortunes. The Moon here bestows something formidable, a hint of arrogance, air of dignity, a lust for power and recognition and a craving for financial power. The Native does not encourage others taking liberties with, or seeking to approach him/her on too intimate terms. The Moon in Capricorn is said to be better for a man while women with this placement can turn off most men. The Moon in Capricorn favors positions of executive, administrative, public and organizational positions and commercial pursuits.
Moon in Aquarius
The Moon is in a fixed position in Aquarius with the keyword disinterestedness. The Moon in Aquarius is more evenly balanced than in any other sign. The native may be more involved with humanity than any one individual. They are idealistic and able to care for the global village but could be a little detached when it comes to those closer to home, paradoxically. They posses integrity and honesty, cannot be accused of double dealing or cheating and are not likely to ask for help when in trouble although are ready to help others.
Aquarius occupies one of the most sensitive points in the zodiac. They are well-liked and have strong religious and philosophical instincts coupled to a humanitarian urge. The Moon in Aquarius not infrequently foreshadows sorrow and changes occasioned by others. The Moon in Aquarius is said to be better for a man and in a woman it can take away (real or on the surface) warmth in emotional responses. This lunar position is notable for the absence of jealousy and possessiveness, the absurd vices of Leo, Cancer, Taurus, and Scorpio natives. The Moon in Aquarius favors all forms of humanitarian, political, and educational pursuits, exploration in all fields, authorship, and astrology too.
Moon in Pisces
When in Pisces, the Moon is in the joint domains of Neptune, Jupiter and Venus and the key word is anxiety. Sacrifice is closely associated with this moon sign. These people have strong creativity and a desire to make the world a better place to live in. It is hard to define boundaries and these people can be accused of getting involved in other"s problems, without being asked. The most secretive of all signs, the moon in Pisces is typified by indecision and indolence, sensitiveness, submission and by a negative and receptive attitude. They have a natural aversion to acceptance of any facts in the presentation of which no allowance is made for the element of idealism. It is primarily a placement for a woman.
Natives with afflicted Moon (by Mercury, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune) may be influenced in the direction of mental or elemental obsession. Pisces is the domain of spiritual rebirth. The Moon in Pisces can be very powerful. It makes a great psychic and gives flexibility of emotion. People born in the Sign of the Redeemer are natural worshippers of beauty.
Lunar Pisces are very loyal to their friends. The powerful imagination and impressionability of the lunar Pisces tend to inhibit their emotions. Women natives incline to romantic attitudes joined to self-sacrifice. Lunar Pisces generally succeed best in fields and pursuits requiring intuitive judgment, discretion, assiduity, and detailed work. They do well as entertainers, dealers with liquids of all sorts, promoters, seafarers, and detectives.