Product Details & Specification:
Jewellery Details
- Style Code
- Material
- Gold Weight
- Gold Purity
- For Whom
Pearl Details
Pearl Color
Pearl Type
Product Dimension
Pearl Length: 3/4 mm Necklace Length: 18 IN Earrin
Stone Details
- Stone Type
- No of Pcs
- Weight
- Color
Pearls are now preferred to diamonds – For a long time, then, pearls were thought of as a badge of respectability, almost of authority rather than the exotic and fascinating jewels that they are. Formed when a scrap of grit, a parasite, a bit of broken shell, enters an unwary oyster’s shell, the final, exquisite, gleaming pearl is the result of layer upon layer of a substance known as nacre, secreted by the oyster and wrapped round the foreign body to prevent further damage to the oyster’s soft tissues. Nor can you cut it and shape it as you can with other gems.
A pearl is a treasure grown inside a living creature that comes from the sea rather than being mined from the land. As searching for it in the wild is such a hit-and-miss business – literally hundreds of oysters have to be opened before one is found with a pearl – pearls have always been expensive, so much so that the 20th century saw the emergence of the cultured pearl – a pearl into which an irritant was artificially introduced.
The layers of nacre of which a pearl is composed are absorbent, so that external factors can influence their condition and even colour. Thus they improve with wear, picking up faint traces of oil from your skin that gives them an added gleam – so rub them with a soft chamois leather rather than wash them.
Their absorbency also means that make-up can stain them, while chemicals, such as perfume or hairspray, can damage them. In fact, in my eyes, the only downside of these beautiful objects is that you can’t wear scent with them.
A woman deserves to feel special and treated with the finer things in life. Whether it is indulging in luxury or pampering herself, if you are a woman, you know what. Here's a Single line Freshwater real pearl necklace for girls interspaced with knots.
Look endearing and make the world fall in love with your serene beauty with this three line pearls and garnet necklace and matching bracelet and earrings.
- Pearl Length: 3/4 mm
- Necklace Length: 18 IN
- Earring Height: 1.75 IN
- Bracelet Length: 7 IN
So go ahead, show your affection and remember, love never counts the cost and never delays in expression. BUY NOW!!
Additional Information
Pearls have always been expensive, so much so that the 20th century saw the emergence of the cultured pearl.
Oyster with PearlsSOURCE OF PEARLS
Pearls are now preferred to diamonds - for a long time, then, they were
thought of as a badge of respectability, almost of authority rather than the
exotic and fascinating jewels that they are. Pearls are formed as a result of
layer upon layer of a substance known as nacre, secreted by the oyster.
Literally hundreds of oysters have to be opened before one is found with a
pearl. Nor can you cut it neither shape it as you can with other gems. They
improve with wear, picking up faint traces of oil from your skin - so rub them
with soft chamois leather rather than washing them.
Pearls have always been expensive, so much so that the 20th century saw the emergence of the cultured pearl.
Burmese South Sea PearlsSOURCE OF PEARLS
Pearls are now preferred to diamonds - for a long time, then, they were
thought of as a badge of respectability, almost of authority rather than the
exotic and fascinating jewels that they are. Pearls are formed as a result of
layer upon layer of a substance known as nacre, secreted by the oyster.
Literally hundreds of oysters have to be opened before one is found with a
pearl. Nor can you cut it neither shape it as you can with other gems. They
improve with wear, picking up faint traces of oil from your skin - so rub them
with soft chamois leather rather than washing them.
Pearls have always been expensive, so much so that the 20th century saw the emergence of the cultured pearl.
Pearls are now preferred to diamonds - for a long time, then, they were
thought of as a badge of respectability, almost of authority rather than the
exotic and fascinating jewels that they are. Pearls are formed as a result of
layer upon layer of a substance known as nacre, secreted by the oyster.
Literally hundreds of oysters have to be opened before one is found with a
pearl. Nor can you cut it neither shape it as you can with other gems. They
improve with wear, picking up faint traces of oil from your skin - so rub them
with soft chamois leather rather than washing them.
Pearls have always been expensive, so much so that the 20th century saw the emergence of the cultured pearl.
Shades of PearlsSOURCE OF PEARLS
Pearls are now preferred to diamonds - for a long time, then, they were
thought of as a badge of respectability, almost of authority rather than the
exotic and fascinating jewels that they are. Pearls are formed as a result of
layer upon layer of a substance known as nacre, secreted by the oyster.
Literally hundreds of oysters have to be opened before one is found with a
pearl. Nor can you cut it neither shape it as you can with other gems. They
improve with wear, picking up faint traces of oil from your skin - so rub them
with soft chamois leather rather than washing them.
Oyster with Pearls
South Sea Pearls
Pearl Shapes
Shades of Pearls
Pearl Necklace
According to Vedic Astrology, Pearl is a gemstone that:
- Enhances the powers of Moon,
- Reflects the human mind its impact is in our thinking,
- Helps in maintaining the stability of our minds are proven extremely
Pearls can ooze sophistication.
Princess Diana's Pearl ChokerFAMOUS PEARLS
Who can forget princess Diana's multi-strand pearl choker, with huge sapphire
clasp worn on a black dress, or Audrey Hepburn as holly go lightly and her
ensemble of streaky blonde hair, dark glasses and pearl earrings? Women like
Sarah Jessica parker prize them, as do Mariah Carey, Rita Ora and Rihanna.
Pearls can ooze sophistication.
Mariah Carey's Pearl EarringsFAMOUS PEARLS
Who can forget princess Diana's multi-strand pearl choker, with huge sapphire
clasp worn on a black dress, or Audrey Hepburn as holly go lightly and her
ensemble of streaky blonde hair, dark glasses and pearl earrings? Women like
Sarah Jessica parker prize them, as do Mariah Carey, Rita Ora and Rihanna.
Pearls can ooze sophistication.
Audrey Hepburn Pearl NecklaceFAMOUS PEARLS
Who can forget princess Diana's multi-strand pearl choker, with huge sapphire
clasp worn on a black dress, or Audrey Hepburn as holly go lightly and her
ensemble of streaky blonde hair, dark glasses and pearl earrings? Women like
Sarah Jessica parker prize them, as do Mariah Carey, Rita Ora and Rihanna.
Pearls can ooze sophistication.
Rihanna's Pearl BraceletFAMOUS PEARLS
Who can forget princess Diana's multi-strand pearl choker, with huge sapphire
clasp worn on a black dress, or Audrey Hepburn as holly go lightly and her
ensemble of streaky blonde hair, dark glasses and pearl earrings? Women like
Sarah Jessica parker prize them, as do Mariah Carey, Rita Ora and Rihanna.
Pearl Choker
Pearl Earrings
Multistrand Necklace
Pearl Bracelet